800 450 rural 3

Our Vision

In Utah, where you live, work, or play will not determine IF you live.

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Our mission

The mission of the Rural EMS Directors Association is to unify and empower rural EMS directors to lead emergency medical services into the future.

Our conference

Join us for two days of exciting and dynamic presentations designed for you, the rural EMS directors of Utah!

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a message from our president

As everyone is well aware, the last couple of years have brought unprecedented challenges to every facet of our lives. EMS has been greatly impacted by these events. Whether it was due to the actual illness affecting our staff, or the shortages and delays of supplies, or the many new requirements for personal protective equipment, EMS providers everywhere have stepped up and supported their communities in ways that we could never have imagined. Yet at the same time have continued to provide the same professional competent care that we are known for.

I have never been prouder of each and every EMS provider as you have faced these challenges every day and then ask what else can we do to help.

Yes, it has been hard, but we have been a shining example of caring, compassionate professionals, stepping in to help anyone, anytime. I also believe this comes from the leadership you provide them.

This organization has accomplished so much in the last few years and has great people with a strong desire to improve the EMS system in Rural Utah. Thank you for all of your support, and if you are not yet involved, please join us in making rural Utah even better.

-Von Johnson, REMSDAU President
Uintah Basin Medical Center EMS Director


become a member

Supporting the future of rural EMS in the state of Utah is essential to our communities.  Join us today!